

1 Arrow Road, Champaign, Illinois 61821
(217) 352-9538 info@indianacresswimclub.org

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2010 campers 2010 campers

Indian Day Camp offers children daily swim lessons and instruction in a wide range of enjoyable activities from arts and crafts to singing and story plays to games and sports.
This blend of activities is conducted in a safe, stimulating environment by a competent and experienced staff. Daily snacks are provided for all age groups.

An open house will be held on Friday morning, June 3. The first day of camp will be Monday, June 6. Camp will end on August 12. Campers will attend from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon, Monday through Friday. Children may be dropped off as early as 7:30 a.m.; however, campers who are regularly dropped off before 8:15 a.m. will be charged an additional $7 per week. Parents do not have to be members of the swim club to enroll their children in day camp.

The rate for day camp is $90 per week. The cost for week 5 is $72 because there is no camp on July 4. When making payment, please indicate on your check your camper(s) name and the week(s) your child will be attending. The number of spaces in each of our age groups— 3-4s, 5-6s, 7-9s, and 10-12s, is limited. Campers are not automatically enrolled for the following week unless the fee has been paid. Once the targeted enrollment has been reached, additional registrations will not be accepted.

To reserve places in camp, fill out the application for each camper. Mail the application(s) and your check to Indian Day Camp, #1 Arrow Road, Champaign, IL 61821. Your camper(s) enrollment will be confirmed with a phone call.

The Indian Acres FEIN (tax number) is 37 1097635.

The following table gives the dates and week numbers for the 2011 camp. Check back for camp themes!

Week 1 June 6-10 Week 5 July 5-8 Week 9 August 1-5
Week 2 June 13-17 Week 6 July 11-15 Week 10 August 8-12
Week 3 June 20-24 Week 7 July 18-22  
Week 4 June 27-July 1
*3-4 age group is full for week 4

Week 8 July 25-29


Camp Themes

Week 1 -- Wild, Wild West (without weapons or "wars")
Week 2 -- Super Hero (firefighters visit and our craft is a Father's Day button)
Week 3 -- Planet Indian Acres (space suit demo)
Week 4 -- Hooray for the Red, White, and Blue (IA patriotic parade)
Week 5 -- Ooey Gooey Science (science experiment demonstration)
Week 6 -- Under the Sea (SCUBA diving demo)
Week 7 -- Indian Acres County Fair (fun carnival day)
Week 8 -- All-Start Sports (fun games for all sizes & abilities)
Week 9 -- Rock Star (talent show)
Week 10 -- Captain Doc's Treasure (treasure hunt)


Additional Information

Arrival and departure times. Campers are expected to arrive between 8:15 and 8:30 a.m.Campers who arrange for early drop-off are charged an additional $7/week. Pickup time is 12 noon unless arrangements for an early pick-up have been made. To avoid waiting in line, delay your arrival to between 12:10 and 12:15 p.m.

Re-registration. Enrollment cannot be guaranteed until payment has been received. We do not automatically re-enroll a child unless payment for the following week has been made. If payment has been received, we will be expecting your child. If you have made payment for a week and your child will not be attending camp, please let us know by 4 p.m. Thursday. You must contact the office by the deadline to apply payment to another week or to receive a full refund.

Clothing. Shirts, pants, swimming suits, towels, shoes — everything a child brings to camp should be marked with a permanent marking pen or have a name tape. Try to keep clothing to a minimum to facilitate dressing and reduce the potential for loss. Of course, on rainy or cool days, campers should have a sweatshirt or a light jacket. Towels will be provided for three- and four-year olds. This age group is encouraged to leave a swim suit at camp. We do not want the campers to go barefoot except when they are in the pool area. Appropriate footwear for running games should be worn. Camp shirts can be purchased for $12, but camp shirts are not required.

Notes from home. Please send a note when your camper is going to be picked up by someone different even when the camper is expected to be comfortable with the driver. It would be helpful if a note was sent to the camper's team leader after absences. Please provide information related to the reason, number of days missed, and when you want the camper to resume swimming.

Lost and found. Please let us know as soon as possible when your child arrives home without something he/she brought to camp. We have a good record when it comes to finding "lost" items. It is also very important to contact us as soon as possible whenever your child arrives home with something he/she did not bring to camp.

Make-up days. We cannot enroll children by the day. We hire staff, purchase snacks and supplies for the week based on our enrollment as of 4 p.m. the preceding Thursday. If your child misses one or two days in a week, those days cannot be made up. If a child misses three or more days in a week due to illness or injury, the days missed can be made up during the following week of camp only. Campers making up days must attend for the full week. Parents pay the weekly fee minus $18 for each day missed.

Drop-off and pick-up locations. Campers can be dropped off at the front door of the club or at the fence east of the club. There will be greeters in both locations.

Families arriving from the North and West — Enter Arrow Drive from Kirby Avenue and follow Arrow Drive to the front of the Club House. Exit by the same route.

Families arriving from the East and South — Enter our parking lot from the east, from Prospect Avenue at the Main Street Bank and Trust. Stop parallel to the curb at the wood fence for delivery and pickup of camper(s). Exit by the same route or exit south of the Lincolnshire Building via the one-way drive between the Main Street Bank and Trust and the dental building directly onto Prospect.

Picking up campers. It is important that you drop off and pick up your camper at the same location. If you drop your camper at the fence but come to the front door at noon, staff will initially call for your child in the club room, then go to the fence to look for him/her among the "fence campers." This takes extra time. Fence campers are identified as such upon arrival. To reduce congestion, please allow our staff to bring your child to the car rather than coming into the building to get your child. Please park in the Indian Acres parking lot if you come inside for any reason. Do not leave your car unattended in the traffic lanes.

Do not park in the spaces around the Lincolnshire Building or in the Busey Bank parking lot.

Walkers and bike riders. Walkers and bikers should use extreme caution in arriving and departing. Bike riders must park and lock bikes in the designated areas. If your camper will be regularly walking or riding a bicycle to camp, please indicate this on the application in the "Additional requests..." section.

Name cards. Name cards aid our staff in locating your child when you arrive for noon pick-up. You will be given a card the first day that you pick up your child. Print your last name using a wide marking pen. As you approach the building or fence each day, hold this card in your window or tape it to the window so that it can be seen from a distance. If the card is lost or destroyed or you need additional cards, ask a staff member for another card.

Thank you for sending your child to Indian Acres Day Camp. We will make every effort to see that this experience will be safe, educational and enjoyable.


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