

1 Arrow Road, Champaign, Illinois 61821
(217) 352-9538 info@indianacresswimclub.org

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Frequently Asked Questions


Do you hire adults in addition to teenagers? Yes, about half of the approximately 60 Indian Acres staff members are high school students. The other half is composed of teachers, teacher aides, child care workers, and college students. A very high percentage of each year's staff are returnees. We average less than ten new employees a year.

How can I get a job application? Call (217) 352-9538 and leave a message including your name (please spell your last name) and address including your zip code.

When can I apply for a job? Applications must be received by March 15. Click here for an application.

How old are the junior counselors? Fourteen. We have considered thirteen year olds in the past but we have observed that it often takes more than a year to make the transition from camper to junior counselor. Junior counselors are not paid.


Do families have to be members of the swim club in order to send children to the day camp? No.

What is the minimum age for attending Indian Day Camp? Three and potty trained.

My child will attend camp for most of the summer. Do I have to pay for all the weeks my child will be attending? We can only guarantee enrollment in those weeks for which payment has been received. After payment for one week has been received we try to find space for your child in additional weeks.

I understand the campers are in the water every day, weather permitting. Is it a problem that my child can't swim? No, we have the full range of abilities from "fear cases" to excellent age group swimmers in camp each week.

What is the ratio of paid staff to campers in the three- and four-year-old group? One paid staff member to four or five campers. If there are five in the group, a junior counselor is often assigned to the group to assist the counselor.


Can members bring guests? Yes, there is a $8 fee for each guest.

Can members host parties at Indian Acres? Yes, arrangements should be made with the office in advance.

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