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Equipment & Capabilities

Our Audio suite is powered by Digidesign, Mackie, HHB, and Tascam.
Our Video suites are powered by AVID, Apple and Sony.
Our Multimedia suite is powered by Adobe, Canopus, Pinnacle(AVID), Sony and Spruce(Apple).
Our Graphics workstation is powered by Adobe, Corel, Microsoft, and Astarte(Apple).
Our Duplication station is powered by Sony, Dwight-Cavendish, and Pioneer.

We use Sony UVW-100B, with Canon lens, and PD-150 for our cameras, Sony EMC-77B's and WRR-810/820's for our Lavs, Sennheiser MKH-60 and 70 for our booms, AudioTechnica AT-4050/CM5's for our Studio mikes, Shure FP-33A for our field mixer, and Lowel, Pepper, and Chimera for our Lights. We rent when clients require beyond our stock capabilities.

For more information, please download our equipment lists 
(Adobe Acrobat "pdf" format) [PPG Equipment Lists] (Filesize: 204kB)
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